Adult Confirmation Enquiry Form

Please use this form to indicate your interest in Anglican Confirmation if you are a baptised Christian, are part of St Mary's Cathedral and you are 18 years of age or above. 

1. Submitting this online form informs us that you are interested in being prepared for Anglican Confirmation. 

2. The usual preparation is the Adult Anglican Confirmation Programme. There are two parts to this:

  • Part 1 is called 'Just for Starters (JFS)'. This is usually done one on one with a trained mentor who you will be paired up with. 
  • Part 2 is called 'Being Anglican'. This is usually done in a class.

3. These are usually run two or three times each year. We will contact you before the start of the next round so that you are able to enroll for these programs. 

4. If you have already done one or both of them, or have covered the material in another context, please indicate this in the comments section below. 

5. Submitting this form does not commit you to being confirmed. You will receive the formal 'Confirmation Application Form' during or after your preparation.