Connection Card
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Last Name
Date of Birth
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Please tick the following boxes to provide additional information
I'm just visiting St Marys Cathedral this week.
I've recently come to trust in Jesus as my Lord and Saviour.
I'm not a believer but I would like to find out more about the Christian faith.
I would like to find out how I can become part of the St Marys Cathedral community.
I would like someone to contact me for prayer.
I'm a regular member of St Mary's Cathedral.
Which service (if any) did you recently attend?
Liturgical 7am
Liturgical 9am
Liturgical 11am
Liturgical Online
Contemporary - SMACC Wisma (9am)
Contemporary - SMACC 1 (11am)
Contemporary - SMACC 2 (5pm)
Other comments / feedback / questions